Victoria lives in the family home that her parents built nearly 100 years ago. She takes pride in the fact that she lives independently in a home where she and her five siblings were raised with such deeply rooted history.
Over decades, her tiny hometown transformed from a rural community into a thriving, suburban area. As local property values increased, so did her tax burden. And as the property aged, so did she. In her mid-80s, Victoria found herself on a fixed income with respiratory issues, struggling to get around in her home.
Although the inside of her home was neat and tidy, structural issues added up over time. Windows were leaking and not functioning properly. The siding was deteriorating, and the exterior never had been effectively weatherized. Indoors, Victoria was living with the risk of frequent falls, which sometimes prevented her from doing daily tasks independently. She needed new flooring, and her kitchen and bathroom required renovation for safety and accessibility.
Thanks to our partners with Lowe’s Home Improvement, First National Bank, and Duke Energy, we are rebuilding Victoria’s home from the outside inward to keep her safe for now and for years to come. #TransformationTuesday